His name is Hwan

Like your picture? I think I captured your spirit with this shot... I'll give it back if you ask. I'll be missing you, Hwan. Enjoy Iraq and take care of yourself. Looking forward to seeing you in Canada someday.
Keep in touch,
P.S. Leave messages here anytime. I'll try to check it daily. Use it just like a message board.
P.S.S. For all the other people out there that read my blog, feel free to read and get to know Hwan.
Hello My Love,
I'm not hwan but you are a good and loyal friend. you are an honourable man and I'm so thankful I'm your wife.
Love you!
Hey Hwan,
You still have Sacha's stuff. If you can mail it to us, please let us know. Then I'll send you a mailing address.
I'd loved seeing you again. I know we will meet again someday. Come to Canada as soon as you can. See you soon,
nate i came back from iraq. are you all right? i miss you.. very very much. i can't believe that you are not here. miss you. take care friend.
didn't you see my comment? hmm. i made korean blog, Cyworld, which is very popular among young people in this country. so i made it.-----http://www.cyworld.com/eyestoworld------ even if you don't have it's ID, you can leave a comment at my blog. hope to see you soon
Hey Hwan,
I'm glad to hear you are back. Are you back for good or just vacation? I'm in Canada now at University of Toronto starting my master's of clinical engineering. I will be researching 3D image-guided surgery. Should be great.
I would love to catch up. What's new with you?
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Oh... Hwan. Do you have Sacha's contacts and hat? She left them in your bag the last time we met in Seoul (Just before you went to Iraq).
hey bro~ i'm reall glad to hear your voice again 'cause i reall miss you while i was in iraq. and sacha left her hat and contacts in my back last time so it left in my mind and feel sorry. if you want i can send them to canada. i thought that you and sacha still livin in busan when i came back but you are not. so sad. where are you? T.T
i saw your comment you wrote at my blog, isn't it great to be able to keep in touch with? thanks to internet ^^
i came back here 12.sept and got 25 days of vacation. 6days left to go back to my camp again. but i'll finish my military service soon so i'm happy. i'll finish it on 31.december this year. now? i'm just hanging out with my old friends and new friends i met in Iraq. you should have been hear T.T
now i'm planing to go back to my school again but i'm not sure what i will do. still praying. as i mention before i wanted to go abroad and to be a pilot but i had to give up that dream with finacial matter. i made 10000$ but its too small money to go to aviation school. so i think i have to give up. but still have one hope. if i could go into Han su university which is second popular university of aviation in Korea, i could get financial support. but i have wait till next year next year for it.
now i'm so worrying about what to do. if i fail to be a pilot then i should find other way. 'cause i lost interest in my major. sorry to make you worry.
diplomat and accountant are next job i want to do so i'm preparing in my mind and studying economics little by little. economics is subject of examination for two of them.
i cant meet james and so-un yet. i went to seoul and spend most of time. i will say hello to them through phone and wanna meet them next vacation. before contacting you i didn't wanna meet them 'cause they would ask me about you obiously. i can meet them so now ^^
i wanna know what you're doing what you wanna do and plan, and about sacha.
hope to see you soon, bye.
What am I doing... Well, mostly studying. I just spent 2 weeks burning the candle at both ends. I needed to apply for 2 national scholarships. But that is over and I feel freer.
This weeking is Thanksgiving in Canada. So, I'm home with my family. It is so great to only drive 14 hours and be able to see them all. To bad that don't work for Korea.
I just got accepted to do research in 3D image-guided surgery. This will be my thesis topic for the next two years. I hope I enjoy it and am a natural. I work 1 full-day and 2 half-days during the week. I start next Tuesday with background reading and learning the software and programs.
I'm trying to enjoy Toronto. It is a big city, like Busan. Lots to do and see but I haven't had much time to explore. Sacha and I love to go to a music concert. So, I hope to surprise her with something in the next couple of weeks.
Sacha is OK. She is job searching. It takes a long time and that is hard for her. Please pray for her.
Overall, things are well and we are enjoying life as much as possible. I wish I could see you. Only time will tell.
Let's stay in touch. Take care,
P.S. Yeah if you can send Sacha's contacts and hat to this address that would make her day.
48 Oakwood Ave.
Toronto, ON, Canada
M6H 2V6
nate! i finish my military service finally. i'm very happy but feel more resposibility. i can keep in touch with you more often from now on.
That's great Hwan. So what will you do now?
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